this isn't to imply that we
should strive for suffering or uphold it
as a virtue but rather it's the very
fact that we've weathered storms
withstood unfavorable winds and
weathered crushing disappointments that
allows us to truly appreciate the peaks
of joy and the house on days of
Tranquility our understanding of
suffering often molds our perception of
happiness and the depth of our
appreciation for the Beautiful Moments
that life
offers it's not merely about the
quantity of suffering that one has faced
instead it's about comprehending the
weight of that pain and how it has
helped shape who we are and who we grow
to be all the hardships faced all the
sufferings endured serve to deepen our
understanding of
Happiness they add a heightened
intensity to our Beautiful Moments
allowing us to relish them more fully
experiencing them with a richness that
might not have been possible
otherwise perhaps you've tasted poverty
known what it's like to have no Penny to
your name to not be able to afford even
the bare necessities perhaps you've
experienced what it's like to graph to
your hands bleed to labor under the
scorching sun and in the freezing
cold these experiences they shape you
they build you and they push you towards
growth and then there's the struggle for
acceptance for human
connection the desire to be liked to be
loved often feels like an arduous
Journey you extend your hand in
friendship in love in kinship and
sometimes it's not taken the rejection
the lack of reciprocation it hurts it
can shatter your heart
but it is this very breaking that
increases your heart's capacity to love
to understand and to
grow it broadens your perspective open
your eyes to the reality that there's
more to life than just being the
smartest or the most
successful yes suffering is a harsh
reality it can be incredibly tough
threatening to pull us under with its
overwhelming Force it's a pain that can
feel unending
unbearable but remember we all live on
this side of
suffering we all reside in this
comforting box grounded by familiarity
and averse to change but it is through
pushing past these boundaries through
leaving the comfort of this box through
embracing the unavoidable suffering that
we truly
grow in our journey of life it's when
everything starts to happen that we
really find ourselves in
it it's a wonderful feeling when we know
how everything's going to turn
out but it's only a few Among Us the
brave who are willing to Journey on this
hard path of
suffering ask any of these brave souls
who have endured this suffering how they
feel now they will surely tell you about
the transformation of their mind about
the enormous growth they've experienced
in a short period of time their growth
exceeds that of an average person
because they were courageous enough to
go outside their comfort
zone because remember at the other end
of suffering there awaits greatness we
as humans are built to walk uphill to
face challenges headon to grow and
evolve but once you reach the Pinnacle
of the Hill it's important to stop take
a pause and appreciate the Majestic View
it's the uphill climb that truly
enriches us it's from the uphill climb
that we derive our
value now you might think almost all the
positive emotions we feel are
experienced in relation to a goal and in
some sense you would want a goal that
you can never
attain why so that you can always move
closer to it even as it recedes as you
move towards
it it might sound frustrating like the
myth of sypysus pushing the rock uphill
but it isn't because as you pursue that
lofty goal you evolve mature and put
together your life gets better rich and
abundant you should want your goals to
be above everything else that you're
doing continually moving towards
something that's more Sublime
better that's what life's about you're
here to live life fully not just to Pas
time in a state of
Slumber reflect on your trials and
tribulations you wouldn't have prayed
with such passion had you not been hurt
you wouldn't love with such fervor had
you not been hurt you've experienced
hatred and you refused to go down that
path the this is growth this is
evolution feelings may not have a lot to
do with it this is your dream this is
what you're going to do you're going to
do the things that you don't feel like
doing you're going to do the things you
don't want do you're going to do things
that do come easy to you that do not
come naturally to you you're going to
rise get up and do
it remember you can't live your life
based on
feelings you cannot let your feelings
dictate what you are or are not going to
do today that fire inside of you to make
it happen out there it won't ignite
until you go through the fire in
here it's about growth through suffering
about transformation through
trials leave everything on the field
because that's how life works when you
give your all you have the right to
expect the same in return it doesn't
work the other way around you can't give
a half-hearted effort and expect
anything but a mediocre life in
return remember my friend the path is
never easy running 12 miles a day
pushing through hundreds of push-ups
lifting weights daily managing two jobs
stepping out of my comfort zone it's not
easy but it's worth it if you think it's
about Fitness or money you're mistaken
it boils down to one key point the
mentality the mentality to persevere no
matter what life throws at you
challenges shouldn't be taken
lightly if it's easy it's not
rewarding many people seek the easy way
out and celebrate unearned achievements
but true success comes from overcoming
obstacles it's the bitter trials the
disappointments the failures that your
fuel when you finally reach your goal
and if you do stumble and fall you've
already tasted the ground and you know
you won't stay down because you
understand what it feels like and you
know how to rise again understand this
life is Relentless and you should be too
fight back against your failures your
doubts Never
Surrender keep standing up keep fighting
never lay down these are the principles
we should all live
by every individual who has experienced
the agony of being crushed once knows
the Deep unforgiving sensation
associated with
it if you think you can break me yet
again think twice one of the undeniable
truths of existence is that suffering is
timeless it is not bound by an
expiration date it's unyieldingly
persistent and doesn't discriminate
based on your skin color whether you're
black or white it doesn't care whether
you're economically weak or financially
robust it remains indifferent about your
upbringing your Origins and your Social
Status suffering refuses to cease its
Relentless Pursuit it stays with you
constantly testing your
metal indeed it hurts the pain is
undeniable when we're lifting these
weights pushing ourselves to the Limit
striving for that elusive goal the
discomfort is palpable it's a daunting
burdensome Endeavor that leaves us
sweating bleeding crying and
suffering but let's remember on the
other side of suffering the rewarding
awaits as humans we often get caught up
in the anguish of the present we get
consumed by how much we're hurting in
the now overlooking the potential joy
that the future holds post Agony but
what after the physical
toll what after the sweat the blood the
tears after the catharsis of crying
everything out there's a moment of
realization a moment where we understand
that we can harness this pain we can
turn it into our
advantage the question arises at what
age should you have everything figured
out for the majority of us the normal
people gaining full clarity ities of
process it is a journey it takes time as
you need to mature and grow life throws
curveballs at you and if your dreams are
colossal enough you're probably not the
person right now who can fulfill them
nevertheless you persist you keep moving
forward doing what needs to be done
while simultaneously realizing that with
time you're
evolving you're gaining invaluable
knowledge accumulating experiences and
witnessing personal
growth do I still face struggles you ask
my answer is a resounding yes that's
what makes makes me relatable I don't
claim to have all the answers I don't
assert that I have everything figured
out I stand a shoulder with everyone
else experiencing the same hurdles the
dilemas all too often people are Swift
to judge your abilities they make Hasty
assessments about your
potential they weren't there with you
through the
hardship they didn't witness the
sleepless nights you spent working on
dreams they didn't see the pain you
endured the trauma you survived and the
tears you shed they didn't pick you up
when you were down you
did so what gives them the right to
assess you they remain oblivious to your
true capabilities my
friend they cannot fathom what you're
capable of achieving they simply don't
know what you can
do sure it's all about finding that
strength within yourself that
indomitable spirit that always finds a
way to keep moving forward because the
truth is no one else has a say in your
journey when you're the one who has
clawed your way out of the darkest
depths when you're the one who has
brought yourself back to the light my
friend outside or simp simply don't have
a say in your Affairs so you continue
moving we all have our crosses to bear
we all have our own battles to fight and
yes that includes me as
well I'm going to impart you with a
little wisdom here when you're giving
everything you have when you're putting
your all into becoming the best version
of yourself there's always going to be
some form of challenge some adversary
trying to snatch that Triumph away from
you the most effective way you can
confront this is by holding on to your
faith it's not about what specifically
you believe in what's important is that
it's something positive
something that will carry you through
storm now just think about this for a
moment what if you could harness pain as
your fuel imagine if pain could act as
your passport to New Beginnings and New
Paths picture if pain had the power to
push you to condition you to ready you
for the rooms you're going to walk into
the tables where you'll be seated the
stages you will boldly
stand consider if this hardship could
actually make you better if it could
build you up strengthen your muscles
inspire you to reach even higher to LEAP
further to run with greater
speed what if pain could be your
Ally what if pain in all its raw and
unfiltered form isn't here to hurt you
but to help
you even as I stand here sick and weary
that isn't enough to stop the journey to
Halt the
progression because in a world where
everyone seems so content to stay within
their comfort zones why don't you be the
one to challenge that
Norm why don't you be the one to take on
the daunting
task why don't you be the one to never
surrender the one who keeps pushing
forward the one who never
stops why don't you be the one who
refuses to be just another face in the
crowd but instead be the one to stand
out to be more to Rise Above the Rest