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Writer's pictureMarcus Nikos

825,000 pounds per square inch- You can handle a bit of pressure

You must make pressure Your Privilege by

strangest Loop and it is a list of

things that are not doing the thing so

here is a list of things that are not

doing the thing preparing to do the

thing isn't doing the thing scheduling

time to do the thing isn't doing the

thing making a to-do list for the thing

isn't doing the thing telling people

you're going to do the thing isn't doing

the thing messaging friends who may or

may not be doing the thing isn't doing

the thing writing a tweet about

how you're going to do the thing isn't

doing the thing ha on yourself for not

doing the thing isn't doing the thing

hating on other people who have done the

thing isn't doing the thing hating on

the obstacles in the way of you doing

the thing isn't doing the thing

fantasizing about all of the Adoration

you'll receive once you do the thing

isn't doing the thing reading about how

to do the thing isn't doing the thing

reading about how other people did the

thing isn't doing the thing reading this

essay isn't doing the thing the only

thing that is doing the thing is doing

the thing what would have had to have

happened in a week for you to look back

on that week with pride maybe stop

breaking promises to yourself when you

say I'm going to wake up tomorrow at

7:00 a.m. and when the option comes to

hit the snooze button don't do it

there's one win that you've got for the

day that's action if you had a friend

and every single time that you and your

friend decided you going to go out for

dinner that friend either showed up 2

hours late or didn't show up at all you

would stop trusting that person that is

the relationship that you have with

yourself I want to maximize what I can I

want to be the best that I can be I want

to do things well and I don't want to

leave stuff on the table but I don't

want to be chasing the end goal so much

that I never actually enjoyed the

process of getting there because

ultimately that's really all that

matters if you're going to look back at

any destination realize that it was

99.9% journey and only you know one day

of celebrating achieving the thing the

few things that I know that you can do

one of the most practical ways to do it

is to put Post-it notes around the house

and when you see the Post-it notes right

on it whatever you want um just take 30

seconds to find a way to be thankful or

grateful for something that's happening

right now A positive place that you draw

mental strength from when life is

difficult has to be I just want to be

better and I'm trying my best ACT first

okay you have to lead with action

because if you are someone that deals

with a crippling sense of

insufficiency your ability to

Discount any good thoughts you have in

your mind is going to be so strong if

you try and lead with positivity first I

need to think it wish it believe it and

I will achieve it your set point of

negativity is going to just Crush that

into the ground I'm speaking from

personal experience right as the guy

that was chronically unconfident and

still has you know the impostor syndrome

that does creep

in you have to start with action it

needs to be okay what would have had to

have happened in a week's time for me to

look back on that week and find pride in

myself Pride's seen as uh something that

you uh should be ashamed of it's one of

the seven deadly sins uh but David

Goggins I did an episode with him a

couple of months ago we could put it in

the in the show notes if people are

interested and he said pride is

something that everybody misses that

having pride in your name your

performance uh the way that you show up

for other people is something that you

can do but you need to do something that

is worthy of being prideful about right

what would have had to have happened in

a week for you to look back on that week

with pride okay maybe stop breaking

promises to yourself when you say I'm

going to wake up tomorrow at 7:00 a.m.

and when the option comes to hit the

snooze button don't do

it there's one win that you've got for

the day that's action right and it is

just you know it's tried to say the

Peterson clean your room thing but the

reason that that works is that you start

with the smallest ever step and you

expand out from there you want to become

a writer you want to leave your job and

become a writer okay can you commit to

writing one blog post on substack per

week for the next 3

weeks that would make you feel like less

of a loser if you did that action has to

come first if you are the sort of person

who is chronically unconfident because

you will drag your sense of identity

behind you Mark Manson says that

identity lags behind our status by about

1 to two years so for both me and you in

2 years time will go ah I understand why

I was in LA that day and and and Look

Back start with action and make small

promises to yourself that you don't

break if you had a friend and every

single time that you and your friend

decided that you going to go out for

dinner that friend either showed up 2

hours late or didn't show up at all you

would stop trusting that person that is

the relationship that you have with

yourself you need to be able to trust

your own word and a lot of us don't

because life is very convenient and it

is easy for people

to not stick to the promises that they

set themselves because our ability to be

idealistic is always going to outstrip

reality's ability to deliver that to us

as soon as you posit an ideal you then

begin to compare yourself to that ideal

and true hell is when the person that

you are means the person that you could

have be that's all that there is you

want to be better that is something to

be proud of you want to leave it all on

the field of play you want to make

yourself as good as you can you want to

make the world a better place you want

to have an impact all of these things

are just they're all positives paying

attention has been the single greatest

competitive advantage that I've had

because I pay attention to things and I

I'm I try to be precise and I care but

also the more that you're able to let go

and not fear about stuff the more

enjoyable you'll find it so the thing

that is making you better is the thing

which is making you feel pain and this

is a perennial balance I don't think

I've ever personally actually been

disparaging of someone that has a 9 to5

because I have been someone that's had a

9 to5 albeit not for long I did it for 6

months but every single person that I

knew growing up had a 9 to5 or bigger

and my dad certainly did and then coming

from a working class a super working

class background

I've I've always felt a little bit

uncomfortable with the way that N9 to FS

are disparaged I don't think that the

only way that you can enjoy your life is

if you pivot and do something yourself I

think it's a very reliable route to do

it and I encourage as many people to do

it as possible but I I try not to look

down on people that are doing that

because it's the Lion's Share of most

people how to get past it if your

purpose is aligned within a 9 to-5

career it doesn't matter I uh I fell in

love with a essay from Jason pgin where

he said uh accept that all of your

heroes are full of [ __ ] Your Heroes

aren't Gods they're just regular people

who got good at One Thing by sacrificing

literally everything else and I love

this Insight that you can dress it up

however you want the work just needs

doing and you can fluff it and you can

change it and you can talk about

compounding but ultimately it comes down

to sitting at the desk and answering the

email opening the word document

recording the podcast and one of the

things that I found is a really great

hack for

me I would have none I would have no

success as a

YouTuber that I've had being a podcaster

because I work well when I have someone

else in front of me like

I would clean my room at home if mom

came and sat and like just watch or talk

to me right because I just didn't want

to [ __ ] do something that sucked on

my own being a YouTuber and staring down

the lens hi guys welcome back to the

channel today we're going to [ __ ] do

whatever we're going to do I really

really struggle with that roll the clock

forward now so talking about the price

that people pay to be the person that

you admire everyone would look at Tiger

Woods narrowly bound like I want to be

as good of a golfer as Tiger Woods and

you go yeah okay okay but do you want

the childhood do you want to spend

nearly half a decade out of the sport

with injury because of how hard you've

pushed yourself do you want to struggle

with self-worth to the point where you

basically can't have a long-term

marriage don't be chased down this

driveway with your wife in a golf club

he fell asleep at the the wheel he broke

both of his legs not long ago he's been

on antis psychotics like that is the

price that you pay to have that degree

of greatness it's a onesie right it's

not an outfit that you can pick little

different bits about

you don't get to choose one element of

someone and say I want that it's like no

no no no all of these externalities all

of the things that you really don't want

they came along for the ride as well so

this guy loves playing pickle ball and

he gets to turn up on a Saturday and

play with his friends and you know if

it's cold outside he doesn't need to go

and play and if he's tired he doesn't

need to go and play and if he's hung

over he doesn't need to go and play and

then he decides to turn pro and he

thinks I'm turning pro at this thing

that I love I can't wait to make what I

love into my career but he doesn't

realize that hey guess what if you hung

over you need to go and train yeah oh

actually no you don't get to be hung

over anymore because the guy that isn't

hung over is the guy that's training

better so you now need to stop going out

with your friends and you need to train

when it's cold and you need to work on

game tape and mindset and hydration and

nutrition you need to do snc and you

need to have a Physio and you need to

not see your family as much all of these

things came along for the ride as soon

as you decided to turn

pro is that a price that you're prepared

to pay and that's an interesting

question to ask yourself am I prepared

to sacrifice my pure unencumbered

unmolested love for this thing in order

to try and become the best at this thing

like I've made huge huge huge

developments while I was staying up

until 4: in the morning 5: in the

morning running a nightlife business you

can make huge developments in your

personal growth Journey while you're

doing a 9 to5 and if your purpose is

aligned within a 9-to-5 career it

doesn't matter like that's your thing

just lean into it enjoy that and all of

the guys that don't know when they're

supposed to start or when they're

supposed to stop or they've got to be

the Taskmaster or they don't know what

they're supposed to do today and they

don't get holidays and they don't get

all of that you don't have to worry

about any of that there are tons of

advantages of having a 9 to5 and if

you're enjoying it and your purpose is

aligned with it nail the self

development on an evening time make sure

that you lock into a hard routine and

you are going to you're going to have a

great time so I'm it genuinely genuinely

genuinely envious of people that have

great ninto FS where their purpose is

aligned to it especially if they've got

a lot of um oversight and structure

because it takes all of the pain I did a

video ages ago uh you might be be able

to find it uh I can't remember what it

was called something like uh 10 reasons

to not start your own business or

something like that and it was about

precisely this that it's not all it's

cracked up to be to go and work for

yourself so I don't know the're

disparaging of 95s I'm not on board with

that is it possible to be world class

whilst having fun that was that's the

question for me this year if maybe that

in order to be world class fun has to go

out the window and if that's the case

it'll be it'll make me sad but it's

whatever like that's a price that you

perhaps need to pay but I'm really

really trying to do this so uh what

brings me joy hanging out with my

friends uh being outdoors doing new

things visiting new places going for

good food especially in different like

Adventure and Novelty for me are uh very

invigorating it's also a great way to

make uh time slow down when people say

um I can't believe how quickly this year

has gone what they mean is I don't

remember the days that have gone so far

in this year one of the best ways that

you can slow this down is to add more

memory units and memory units are highly

derived from how much novelty there's

been if you drive the same route to work

every day for 3 years that's basically a

thousand Journeys that's condensed down

into one memory unless there's one day

in particular where it was rainy and you

skidded or you were involved in a car

crash or someone gave you a phone call

and told you that you got a raise or

whatever like you'll remember those but

because it's always the same thing it

just gets condensed down into one

essentially one memory so trying to vary

and add as much novelty in as possible

is very good as the world has become so

comfortable we're having to go out of

our way to actively seek discomfort we

inject it into our lives we artificially

inseminate it people every time that you

achieve something what you're doing is

positing a new minimum bar which you

have to get over right fantastic I've

just done this many plays or made this

piece of art that's sold for a

particular amount of money or whatever

how exciting and almost immediately

there is this sort of like post kital

realization that oh my God that's the

new bar for my best performance that's

really high that means I now need to be

even better at my next thing and someone

recently won the largest lottery in

history a$1 billion Lottery someone just

won that from a life trajectory

perspective that's potentially one of

the most disastrous things that you

could have happen to you because how are

you ever going to have a better day than

the day you woke up and found out that

you'd won a billion

dollars it's the argument is uh slow

success strategy would be to

purposefully try and drag out the wins

that you have habits hard break man and

the habit of not doing things is

unbelievably difficult to get past

it's one of the problems

with anyone that listens to your show or

my show you will love being cerebral

right you will love the idea that I can

use cognitive horsepower to just get

myself out of problems and there is a

case of learning is masturbation right

uh and believing that learning about

something is the same as enacting it and

it's not that's why it has to be action

first a quote from one of my friends

that he uses when he's thinking about a

concept is does this grow corn basically

is it useful tell me how I can use this

in my life does it grow [ __ ] corn

right I it's this beautifully uh

beautiful sounding concept cognitive

bias that helps me understand the way

that my brain works and my relationship

with everybody else how do I use that in

my life give me something to apply it to

and that's why with the confidence

thing choose promises that you will

never break to yourself I'm going to get

up on time for the next month I am not

going to hit the snooze button if you do

that and you look back in a month and

you go oh my God that's the first time

I've done that in Forever maybe that's a


win and you can do the James Clear thing

we'll write it on a board we'll track it

what gets like measured etc etc but the

main thing is just keep promises to

yourself and that is a good way to go

from here is an Insight I learned about

I want to do breath work cold plunge go

to the gym fast until 12 midday get up

on time sunlight in the eyes in the

whatever it is right that you want to

do turn it into a promise don't break

the promise you're going to lose sleep

you'll doubt whether it'll work you'll

stress to make ends meet you won't

finish your to-do list you'll wonder

whether you made the right call and have

no way to know for yours this is what

hard feels like and that's okay

everything worth doing is hard

and the more worth doing it is the

harder it is the greater the payoff the

greater the hardship if it's hard good

it means no one else will do it more for

you and it's not just me that's got

better the world is undeniably a better

place because of the sort of person that

I've become I'm a better friend I'm a

better son I'm a better boss I'm a

better partner I've had the fortune of

reaching tens of millions of people on

this you must make pressure Your Privilege by

strangest Loop and it is a list of

things that are not doing the thing so

here is a list of things that are not

doing the thing preparing to do the

thing isn't doing the thing scheduling

time to do the thing isn't doing the

thing making a to-do list for the thing

isn't doing the thing telling people

you're going to do the thing isn't doing

the thing messaging friends who may or

may not be doing the thing isn't doing

the thing writing a banger tweet about

how you're going to do the thing isn't

doing the thing ha on yourself for not

doing the thing isn't doing the thing

hating on other people who have done the

thing isn't doing the thing hating on

the obstacles in the way of you doing

the thing isn't doing the thing

fantasizing about all of the Adoration

you'll receive once you do the thing

isn't doing the thing reading about how

to do the thing isn't doing the thing

reading about how other people did the

thing isn't doing the thing reading this

essay isn't doing the thing the only

thing that is doing the thing is doing

the thing what would have had to have

happened in a week for you to look back

on that week with pride maybe stop

breaking promises to yourself when you

say I'm going to wake up tomorrow at

7:00 a.m. and when the option comes to

hit the snooze button don't do it

there's one win that you've got for the

day that's action if you had a friend

and every single time that you and your

friend decided you going to go out for

dinner that friend either showed up 2

hours late or didn't show up at all you

would stop trusting that person that is

the relationship that you have with

yourself I want to maximize what I can I

want to be the best that I can be I want

to do things well and I don't want to

leave stuff on the table but I don't

want to be chasing the end goal so much

that I never actually enjoyed the

process of getting there because

ultimately that's really all that

matters if you're going to look back at

any destination realize that it was

99.9% journey and only you know one day

of celebrating achieving the thing the

few things that I know that you can do

one of the most practical ways to do it

is to put Post-it notes around the house

and when you see the Post-it notes right

on it whatever you want um just take 30

seconds to find a way to be thankful or

grateful for something that's happening

right now A positive place that you draw

mental strength from when life is

difficult has to be I just want to be

better and I'm trying my best ACT first

okay you have to lead with action

because if you are someone that deals

with a crippling sense of

insufficiency your ability to

Discount any good thoughts you have in

your mind is going to be so strong if

you try and lead with positivity first I

need to think it wish it believe it and

I will achieve it your set point of

negativity is going to just Crush that

into the ground I'm speaking from

personal experience right as the guy

that was chronically unconfident and

still has you know the impostor syndrome

that does creep

in you have to start with action it

needs to be okay what would have had to

have happened in a week's time for me to

look back on that week and find pride in

myself Pride's seen as uh something that

you uh should be ashamed of it's one of

the seven deadly sins uh but David

Goggins I did an episode with him a

couple of months ago we could put it in

the in the show notes if people are

interested and he said pride is

something that everybody misses that

having pride in your name your

performance uh the way that you show up

for other people is something that you

can do but you need to do something that

is worthy of being prideful about right

what would have had to have happened in

a week for you to look back on that week

with pride okay maybe stop breaking

promises to yourself when you say I'm

going to wake up tomorrow at 7:00 a.m.

and when the option comes to hit the

snooze button don't do

it there's one win that you've got for

the day that's action right and it is

just you know it's tried to say the

Peterson clean your room thing but the

reason that that works is that you start

with the smallest ever step and you

expand out from there you want to become

a writer you want to leave your job and

become a writer okay can you commit to

writing one blog post on substack per

week for the next 3

weeks that would make you feel like less

of a loser if you did that action has to

come first if you are the sort of person

who is chronically unconfident because

you will drag your sense of identity

behind you Mark Manson says that

identity lags behind our status by about

1 to two years so for both me and you in

2 years time will go ah I understand why

I was in LA that day and and and Look

Back start with action and make small

promises to yourself that you don't

break if you had a friend and every

single time that you and your friend

decided that you going to go out for

dinner that friend either showed up 2

hours late or didn't show up at all you

would stop trusting that person that is

the relationship that you have with

yourself you need to be able to trust

your own word and a lot of us don't

because life is very convenient and it

is easy for people

to not stick to the promises that they

set themselves because our ability to be

idealistic is always going to outstrip

reality's ability to deliver that to us

as soon as you posit an ideal you then

begin to compare yourself to that ideal

and true hell is when the person that

you are means the person that you could

have be that's all that there is you

want to be better that is something to

be proud of you want to leave it all on

the field of play you want to make

yourself as good as you can you want to

make the world a better place you want

to have an impact all of these things

are just they're all positives paying

attention has been the single greatest

competitive advantage that I've had

because I pay attention to things and I

I'm I try to be precise and I care but

also the more that you're able to let go

and not fear about stuff the more

enjoyable you'll find it so the thing

that is making you better is the thing

which is making you feel pain and this

is a perennial balance I don't think

I've ever personally actually been

disparaging of someone that has a 9 to5

because I have been someone that's had a

9 to5 albeit not for long I did it for 6

months but every single person that I

knew growing up had a 9 to5 or bigger

and my dad certainly did and then coming

from a working class a super working

class background

I've I've always felt a little bit

uncomfortable with the way that N9 to FS

are disparaged I don't think that the

only way that you can enjoy your life is

if you pivot and do something yourself I

think it's a very reliable route to do

it and I encourage as many people to do

it as possible but I I try not to look

down on people that are doing that

because it's the Lion's Share of most

people how to get past it if your

purpose is aligned within a 9 to-5

career it doesn't matter I uh I fell in

love with a essay from Jason pgin where

he said uh accept that all of your

heroes are full of [ __ ] Your Heroes

aren't Gods they're just regular people

who got good at One Thing by sacrificing

literally everything else and I love

this Insight that you can dress it up

however you want the work just needs

doing and you can fluff it and you can

change it and you can talk about

compounding but ultimately it comes down

to sitting at the desk and answering the

email opening the word document

recording the podcast and one of the

things that I found is a really great

hack for

me I would have none I would have no

success as a

YouTuber that I've had being a podcaster

because I work well when I have someone

else in front of me like

I would clean my room at home if mom

came and sat and like just watch or talk

to me right because I just didn't want

to [ __ ] do something that sucked on

my own being a YouTuber and staring down

the lens hi guys welcome back to the

channel today we're going to [ __ ] do

whatever we're going to do I really

really struggle with that roll the clock

forward now so talking about the price

that people pay to be the person that

you admire everyone would look at Tiger

Woods narrowly bound like I want to be

as good of a golfer as Tiger Woods and

you go yeah okay okay but do you want

the childhood do you want to spend

nearly half a decade out of the sport

with injury because of how hard you've

pushed yourself do you want to struggle

with self-worth to the point where you

basically can't have a long-term

marriage don't be chased down this

driveway with your wife in a golf club

he fell asleep at the the wheel he broke

both of his legs not long ago he's been

on antis psychotics like that is the

price that you pay to have that degree

of greatness it's a onesie right it's

not an outfit that you can pick little

different bits about

you don't get to choose one element of

someone and say I want that it's like no

no no no all of these externalities all

of the things that you really don't want

they came along for the ride as well so

this guy loves playing pickle ball and

he gets to turn up on a Saturday and

play with his friends and you know if

it's cold outside he doesn't need to go

and play and if he's tired he doesn't

need to go and play and if he's hung

over he doesn't need to go and play and

then he decides to turn pro and he

thinks I'm turning pro at this thing

that I love I can't wait to make what I

love into my career but he doesn't

realize that hey guess what if you hung

over you need to go and train yeah oh

actually no you don't get to be hung

over anymore because the guy that isn't

hung over is the guy that's training

better so you now need to stop going out

with your friends and you need to train

when it's cold and you need to work on

game tape and mindset and hydration and

nutrition you need to do snc and you

need to have a Physio and you need to

not see your family as much all of these

things came along for the ride as soon

as you decided to turn

pro is that a price that you're prepared

to pay and that's an interesting

question to ask yourself am I prepared

to sacrifice my pure unencumbered

unmolested love for this thing in order

to try and become the best at this thing

like I've made huge huge huge

developments while I was staying up

until 4: in the morning 5: in the

morning running a nightlife business you

can make huge developments in your

personal growth Journey while you're

doing a 9 to5 and if your purpose is

aligned within a 9-to-5 career it

doesn't matter like that's your thing

just lean into it enjoy that and all of

the guys that don't know when they're

supposed to start or when they're

supposed to stop or they've got to be

the Taskmaster or they don't know what

they're supposed to do today and they

don't get holidays and they don't get

all of that you don't have to worry

about any of that there are tons of

advantages of having a 9 to5 and if

you're enjoying it and your purpose is

aligned with it nail the self

development on an evening time make sure

that you lock into a hard routine and

you are going to you're going to have a

great time so I'm it genuinely genuinely

genuinely envious of people that have

great ninto FS where their purpose is

aligned to it especially if they've got

a lot of um oversight and structure

because it takes all of the pain I did a

video ages ago uh you might be be able

to find it uh I can't remember what it

was called something like uh 10 reasons

to not start your own business or

something like that and it was about

precisely this that it's not all it's

cracked up to be to go and work for

yourself so I don't know the're

disparaging of 95s I'm not on board with

that is it possible to be world class

whilst having fun that was that's the

question for me this year if maybe that

in order to be world class fun has to go

out the window and if that's the case

it'll be it'll make me sad but it's

whatever like that's a price that you

perhaps need to pay but I'm really

really trying to do this so uh what

brings me joy hanging out with my

friends uh being outdoors doing new

things visiting new places going for

good food especially in different like

Adventure and Novelty for me are uh very

invigorating it's also a great way to

make uh time slow down when people say

um I can't believe how quickly this year

has gone what they mean is I don't

remember the days that have gone so far

in this year one of the best ways that

you can slow this down is to add more

memory units and memory units are highly

derived from how much novelty there's

been if you drive the same route to work

every day for 3 years that's basically a

thousand Journeys that's condensed down

into one memory unless there's one day

in particular where it was rainy and you

skidded or you were involved in a car

crash or someone gave you a phone call

and told you that you got a raise or

whatever like you'll remember those but

because it's always the same thing it

just gets condensed down into one

essentially one memory so trying to vary

and add as much novelty in as possible

is very good as the world has become so

comfortable we're having to go out of

our way to actively seek discomfort we

inject it into our lives we artificially

inseminate it people every time that you

achieve something what you're doing is

positing a new minimum bar which you

have to get over right fantastic I've

just done this many plays or made this

piece of art that's sold for a

particular amount of money or whatever

how exciting and almost immediately

there is this sort of like post kital

realization that oh my God that's the

new bar for my best performance that's

really high that means I now need to be

even better at my next thing and someone

recently won the largest lottery in

history a$1 billion Lottery someone just

won that from a life trajectory

perspective that's potentially one of

the most disastrous things that you

could have happen to you because how are

you ever going to have a better day than

the day you woke up and found out that

you'd won a billion

dollars it's the argument is uh slow

success strategy would be to

purposefully try and drag out the wins

that you have habits hard break man and

the habit of not doing things is

unbelievably difficult to get past

it's one of the problems

with anyone that listens to your show or

my show you will love being cerebral

right you will love the idea that I can

use cognitive horsepower to just get

myself out of problems and there is a

case of learning is masturbation right

uh and believing that learning about

something is the same as enacting it and

it's not that's why it has to be action

first a quote from one of my friends

that he uses when he's thinking about a

concept is does this grow corn basically

is it useful tell me how I can use this

in my life does it grow [ __ ] corn

right I it's this beautifully uh

beautiful sounding concept cognitive

bias that helps me understand the way

that my brain works and my relationship

with everybody else how do I use that in

my life give me something to apply it to

and that's why with the confidence

thing choose promises that you will

never break to yourself I'm going to get

up on time for the next month I am not

going to hit the snooze button if you do

that and you look back in a month and

you go oh my God that's the first time

I've done that in Forever maybe that's a


win and you can do the James Clear thing

we'll write it on a board we'll track it

what gets like measured etc etc but the

main thing is just keep promises to

yourself and that is a good way to go

from here is an Insight I learned about

I want to do breath work cold plunge go

to the gym fast until 12 midday get up

on time sunlight in the eyes in the

whatever it is right that you want to

do turn it into a promise don't break

the promise you're going to lose sleep

you'll doubt whether it'll work you'll

stress to make ends meet you won't

finish your to-do list you'll wonder

whether you made the right call and have

no way to know for yours this is what

hard feels like and that's okay

everything worth doing is hard

and the more worth doing it is the

harder it is the greater the payoff the

greater the hardship if it's hard good

it means no one else will do it more for

you and it's not just me that's got

better the world is undeniably a better

place because of the sort of person that

I've become I'm a better friend I'm a

better son I'm a better boss I'm a

better partner I've had the fortune of

reaching tens of millions of people on

this podcast and I've given tedx talks

and I've improved the texture of my own

daily existence because of the process

that your work triggered you do not know

the depth of impact that your work has

had and if the option had been there I

and probably a lot of other people would

have happily taken on our share of your

suffering over the last year if it would

have somehow helped as a thank you for

how you've helped us so thank you and I've given tedx talks

and I've improved the texture of my own

daily existence because of the process

that your work triggered you do not know

the depth of impact that your work has

had and if the option had been there I

and probably a lot of other people would

have happily taken on our share of your

suffering over the last year if it would

have somehow helped as a thank you for

how you've helped us so thank you

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