You people in the west are living in an
prison and your love
it let me show you the prison walls are
Sign 1
your entertainment and video game
screens distracting you from real
experiences the prison meals are the
Sign 2
fast food chains keeping you hooked and
weak with instant shallow
gratification the pr uniform are the
Sign 3
fashion trends erasing individuality in
exchange for
Conformity the prison yard are your
Sign 4
social media platforms where comparison
and insecurities keep you in fear every
[ __ ] day the prison work is your 9
Sign 5
to5 giving you enough means to get by
but not enough to break out the prison
Sign 6
doctor is your doctor who treats your
symptoms and not the root issues of your
sickness and make good money with that
Sign 7
the prison currency are yours
credits and Loans chaining you to the
prisons forever in exchange for material
Comforts and fake status
symbols the prison handbook are the
Sign 8
Legacy Media Outlets dictating norms
and shaping
opinions you don't like them why do you
still watch them the prison parole
Sign 9
system are your retirement promises they
say you will be free but just end up in
another prison the elderly
home the prison visitors are not yours
Sign 10
family members because in
modernity families are so weak that the
these people won't even return your
phone call the prison gangs are your
Sign 11
communities they seem to help you but
harm you they are polarized groups and
divide people into left and right them
pit you against each other keeping you
from unity and true understanding and
Sign 12
the prison guards those who keep you
escaping it is yourself
your own comfort and your
How to become free
laziness the good news is it's all in
your hand the day you decide to be free
and walk away from all this [ __ ] you
have escaped a prison escape is never
easy and you will be hunted for a while
but it's worth it and after a few weeks
or months of being on the run you will
one day sit down look at your son and
tell him of the biggest achievement in
life we are free
son we are