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I have seen more money lost on indecision than bad decision

Writer's picture: Marcus NikosMarcus Nikos

The Average Investor Invests Only Not to lose money, Closed Circuit

Option Traders Invest to make money.

Gryphon Hedge Fund Partners Closed-Circuit Options Trading

Imagine the lie becomes the truth until now…

You've only dreamed of becoming wealthy,

This is beyond your wildest dreams.

At closed-circuit we don't just pick winners we identify them- so we

don't just win trades we master them.

Gryphon Hedge Fund partners closed circuit trading has hit thirty

straight winning trades in a row as this report is written.  Not all

trades are good trades but the best trades are first identified and

analyzed, and we finally add risk reward ratio patterns,  use value

rates and then WOW!  You have a closed circuit investment.

Good trades will make you money- a great trade will make you filthy

rotten rich. Question is do you know the difference?

Dear Trader Ally,

Many years ago, I believe in 1996 a young Harvard hotshot trader came

to me saying he could “pick winners” he had something of a reputation

on Wall Street as a genius chart analysis and computer wizard and I

thought…why not I can always use another strong talent.”

So I said let’s see what you got, go pick some winners.”

The following week he came to me with what looked like an epic novel,

“Here you are Mr. Strong 10 winners along with a detailed explanation,

explaining why these positions will work…everything was there

fundamentals, candlestick charts, an Elliott Wave Forecast and

Fibonacci point and figure charts, you name it this guy researched it-

he must've put hundreds and hundreds of man hours to put these trades


My response, “What am I supposed to do with these trades? My clients

are looking for that one trade, that one trade that can take them to

the promise land - A trade so powerful it turns every 5K invested into

$40,000 or $50,000 inside of one or two weeks…so I said to him “I'll

tell you what, go back take some time to find me your best three, only

the best three...the top three trades that is what I want.

I'll never forget the look on his face completely and utterly

dumbfounded, you have to understand his type these guys are just

looking to be right, they want a pat on the back they’ve  never had

real money on the line, do you follow me?

So guess what happened the following day, he came back to me with his

top three and said these 3…these are my top three trades.  I remember

it like it just happened yesterday.  Inside of the first 2 weeks all

three of these options trades all zeroed out meaning you lost

everything.  When it was all said and done the ten trades didn’t fair

much better.  They came in with a record of 2 wins for I believe

roughly 30% and 5 losses, but this is Wall Street and maybe he simply

had a bad beginning, all off week.  It went like that for awhile, I

don’t know for how many weeks in a row maybe close to two months.  I

believe overall he knew the markets…probably better than most, his

charts were spot on accurate, some of the best analysis I’ve ever seen

but if I had to put real money behind these recommendations my net

worth along with my clients net worth would have been significantly

damaged.  Ideally this Wall Street hero simply couldn’t separate good

trades from bad trades.  And while we are at it good trades from real

trades the type of trades that will make you a tremendous amount of

money.  The best trades are when real money is made, the key to true

wealth is hitting one to three trades each and every month.

Month in and month out wouldn’t you agree?

What this all really means- is that it brings up a very good point

about trading the markets, equity markets, equity options,

commodities, Forex. It is a known fact that there’s something more

important than win loss percentage, and that is a person or

institution, broker or trader who knows and can single out that one

strong play possible for any given day of the week, a month and while

we're on the subject anyone who spots long-term Leap plays they rise

to the occasion when a big mega trade is called they rise to the

occasion that is when the time is right to stuff millions into his

pocket and that brings us to the subject of Closed-Circuit Trades.

SNPS @ 26.73 For 115% Profit

AQN GB July 10 Calls @ 3.30 For 200% Profit

BID GH July 10 Calls @ 8.90 For 196% Profit

URZ @ 5.78 For 58% Profit

KRSL @ 16.15 For 122% Profit

CTIC @ 3.34 For 111% Profit

ONT @ 3.15 For 172% Profit

AAPL @ 127.10 For 53% Profit

CEN HF Aug 30 Calls @ 5.80 For 127% Profit

GTLS @ 27.47 For 67% Profit

BUD FK 55 Calls @ .88 For 300%

ANO @ 2.75 FOR 129% PROFIT

UQL LU @ $6.10 For 80% Profit

ZBV 1AS @ $4.80 For 200% Profit

QZS DI @ $4.50 For 61% Profit

LTH 0AK @ $8.30 For 621% Profit

SKK @ $160.50 For 72% Profit

HEV @ $8.77 For 72% Profit

UUP CE @ $2.65 For 76% Profit

CQE AO @ $8.50 For 89% Profit

If this is your mindset, if you’re looking for that one trade that can

take you to where you want to be you just found a home

Get with us here online and get the benefit of our best market analysis.

In the investment newsletter industry our analysis is so advanced that

private institutional accounts are falling all over themselves to get

to what we know. Hedge Funds, pension funds, mutual funds, managers

across the board are lined up begging for our next trade. They are

waiting with baited breathe just waiting for the next trade to come

out.  Our analysis has been rated across the board by the best-

Moody’s and Fitch consider our analysis over the official numbers of

syndicated services.

As early as this week you will begin to receive the strongest and best

trades from both the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, we will throw

in the American Stock Exchange with occasional trades coming from both

the Aussie and London Stock Exchange.  Occasionally we will throw

second or third trade just for good measure and two or three trades

come in with numbers good enough to be rated Closed-Circuit Trades…

You will receive them.  Remember you are only going to see the best

each day from us.

Each and every week we will look to put money in your account. This

information is so accurate and so good you just can't say no. Some

would say we give the second or third trade as a hedge but you are

100% wrong…NO WAY it's like getting a gift.

Imagine this… You’re walking down the street and you trip over actual

bag of cash.

Your closed-circuit membership will bring you 4 to 10 of our best …and

only our top rated trades.

Monday through Friday trades will be available between the hours of 6

AM to 9 AM. This gives you 3 1/2 hours to get yourself prepared and

ready to take money out of the market. You can receive your trades via

e-mail or login with your private username and password of the Gryphon

If that's not enough reason to get involved…here’s the kicker- if you

need any assistance, any help at all feel free to call us toll-free at

1-800-828-9921, for our international clientele you can reach us at


Here are some examples of what we have done and why…

DBA  Power Shares BD Mutli-Secor Commodity Trust:Power SharesDB

Agriculture Fund – Options - ZBV 1AS @ $4.80 For 200% Profit

 From September of 2008 until at least mid-March of this year

PowerShares DBA is a winner in our books for “most trendiest” of

trades among the other ETF heavy hitters in it’s class. These futures

contracts are based upon commodities such as stars corn, wheat, soy

and sugar.

Since September 2007, shares being traded have heaved from 1115,300 to

the present daily average of about 3 million per day.  When looking at

the chart below, you will be able to recognize a doubled price

movement from $27 to $43 a share, regardless of the temperamental side

swings. But sometime high volatility and high volume help to keep a

stock moving in the right direction. We got in before that $6 fall,

and it paid off in a big way.

Anooraq Resources Corp- ANO @ 2.75 FOR 129% PROFIT

As one of AMEX’s largest componet’s ANO has rallied several times this

year, driving prices over 2%. Over the last month alone, the Platinum

and Palladium Stock Index’s are in the top 15 performers, up by 37%.

Unlike it’s friends gold and silver, platinum and palladium are

benefiting from the automotive industry and have recently been up even

further because of the government’s “Cash for Clunkers Program.”

ONT @ 3.15 For 172% Profit

This lopsided winner went against all the grain as a potential winner

until we got our hands on some much needed information. We got some

news from guys on the Street that this product was about to hit the

street in a big way. On2 Technology ONT jumped about 49% after Google

made its move buying up all their stock- but we knew first and were

able to hand our guys a double digit pay off on this very

unpredictable event.

        GOLD- LTH 0AK @ $8.30 For 621% Profit

Talk about going ALL in with a winning hand-  shares of Randgold

Resources GOLD haven’t just beat out the competition- they CRUSHED it.

Over the last several years we have rode this GOLD play several times.

And consistently we have remained on top of their rival titans Newmont

and Goldcorp. And if that’s not enough GOLD has even outperformed GDZ

by over 200% at times.

This money maker has led our readers to victory, while GOLD has

announced 56% in free cash flow, 10% boost in revenue and a very

notable 23% in production in their Mali mine alone.

BUD FK 55 Calls @ .88 For 300%

Back in July a $65 per share takeover offer for Anhuser Busch BUD and

InBev, the offer was smacked another $5 and honored, both agreed to

the takeover and the financing was lined up. As the story developed so

did the stock. And the investors who leaned on the reaction that

caused the stir, the price surged, and became a 300% profit gain for

our readers!

Cell Therapeutics, Inc -CTIC @ 3.34 For 111% Profit

CTIC caused the markets to spew back in June with their clinical

trials of Pixantrone, their treatment for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma drug.

Under the FDA’s consideration, even with their selloff to Spectrum

they still remained on the top of the charts. This stock is still in

killer mode and can easily help you profit, double, even triple digits

before their trials are completed – phase 3 is in the works and we

expect for another skyrocket explosion in the coming months.

        Sotheby’s -BID GH July 10 Calls @ 8.90 For 196% Profit

If you were searching for that needle in a hay stack winner, then

Sotheby’s BID captivated that soul searching. So- auctions are down

about 11%, but BID was still able to sell $4.8 billion and all before

June. The wealthy are throwing around money no matter what the

climate, and this is living proof.

BID is one of those companies’s slashing their dividends, easing up

their purse strings, giving their investors a larger piece of the pie

and BID is no exception. They lowered their own bid by about

two-thirds and it looks like it has paid off!

Wow - Imagine all that winning

Last year we had great success with our Closed-Circuit trades. So far

in 2009 we have achieved profitability beyond Wall Streets

imagination. In fact we are having a record year and our smaller

clients have been more than happy to get involved in other situations

that we getting involved in.

As a Closed-Circuit member you will be getting all this year’s top

three trades at no additional cost - You have my word on that.

What I need from you is to put your imagination on fast-forward,

imagine you will be receiving the same level of trades for the rest of

2009.  For each and every trade you will know exactly why you are

placing the trade and how good that trade is so you can put all your

money in the market with the utmost 100% life-changing confidence (as

I like to call it!)

Closed-Circuit subscribers get these trades for a full year originally

priced at $5000,  you can sign up today before Michael Warren releases

the 2009 Stock and Option move of the decade. So act today or sit back

on your hands and wait around another year. Now that's not enough

reason to get involved we will throw in a free buy in fee to the world

famous With your chance to win up prize money, all

you have to do is prove your worth against individual investors just

like yourself. Are you up for the challenge?

I brought this offer to Kenneth Maseka and Michael Warren, the owners

of, they asked me, “Where did you get this price,

the service is $5000 for the year.” My answer to them was, this time

around it’s for the client. I'm going to give all of this away for

only $749, you can also choose to pay in installments of $399, with

the first payment due now and the second you can push off until

November 30 or if you prefer to try a month at a time you could do so

for $265.

Think of it…no sales pitch, no hype - just results.

You could pay more but you'll never get better.

Or call Mark Strong or Paul Ross at 1-800-828-9921 or for

international clientele you can reach us at 718-370-2883.

This just in last-minute late breaking news

PS- After hundreds of phone calls I have found it necessary to

elaborate on just what Closed-Circuit truly means. Closed-Circuit

literally means what it says- each and every day I'm on the phone with

market insiders “Smart Money” investors as we sort out all the

intelligence streaming in from hundreds and hundreds of sources around

the globe. Reports coming in from the employees of companies that are

trading publicly, scouts, market makers and heavy hitters we take that

analysis, the critical analysis runs through our exclusive and

patented Genome trader…if you’ve ever been a client of Gryphon you

know the success of Genome…the Genome  trading computer that uncovers

intricate hiding edge advantages.

It is the most careful selection process in the history of investment

newsletters and when we're done we have the one thing over our young

Harvard “want to be” friend. They did not have the certainty, the

ironclad confidence that we have found - that one in 3 absolute trades

in the market that can make you money.

In other words it's a case where we are way ahead of the knowledge

curve and the public is way behind, weeks in some cases even months.

If you traded alongside us we are buying stock that they are selling

and shorting stock that they are buying and buying stocks at steep,

steep discounts to their market value and to their asset value as


Track a Closed-Circuit trade and experience what has been proven- The

trades have so much money multiplying power we can rate them a

Closed-Circuit trade trading at 90% or better profitable trades

sometime they come in even 100%..They jump right off the scale and

seem to jump off the boards on some occasions.

Just as water seeks its own level and cream rises to the top and just

as there are Close Circuit trades so are the natural born

Closed-Circuit investors people just like yourself, people who are

looking for trades so good to invest in that the very psychology is

different to many investors. The average investor looks to trade not

to lose the closed-circuit traders invest for the whole enchilada, the

real money.  Investors ask questions like Mark: do you really think

this trade can work… closed-circuit traders asked questions like Mark

I want to get all the money, they are champions, a closed-circuit

investor is a man with a determination to take closed-circuit proven

winning percentages to its logical conclusion, they don’t ask can make

$2000 to $5000 on a trade, they ask can I make $20,000 to $50,000 in

some cases even millions.

We want you in- you have what it takes to be a winner.

Join us today


Mark Strong and Paul Ross

CEO and founder and co-founder of the exclusive Closed-Circuit Options

Service for Gryphon Hedge Fund Traders

“The Closed-Circuit trades I received this year were made me a ton of

money. I tried other newsletter services, but I never made money like

this. This formula works-plain and simple.”

Charlie Traina, NJ

“Finally some trades that are reliable money makers. This market has

been crazy, but it’s been steady as she goes in my portfolio. I

wouldn’t dream of trading with these closed circuit trades- Paul Ross


Julianne Mercado, NYC,NY

“No one needed to make money more than me. We have been hitting pretty

rough lately and I was watching our savings flow right through the

pipes. Now I found you guys and I have a whole new perspective on

trading and a new confidence that is rewarding me double digit

returns. I can’t thank you enough.”

Philip Conrad, UK

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